First published in July of 2018, Matt Shaw’s controversial comic ‘Eleven’ was adapted by Dave McCluskey of Dammaged Comics with artwork by Helmut Racho and lettering by James McCulloch.  The story was originally written as a short story for Sinister Horror Company’s charity anthology ‘The Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Two’ (2016).

DLS Synopsis:
He couldn’t believe that she’d actually come.  Eleven-years-old and seemingly with the confidence of a young woman.  He knew she was just putting it on.  But he didn’t mind.  She was petite, almost stick thin.  Just the way he liked them.  And now here she was – in his flat.

She’d been upset by what the other girls at school had been calling her.  Saying she was fat.  He’d told her she didn’t look fat from the photos she’d sent him.  But he’d have to see her in the flesh to be sure.  She could come around his flat and he could maybe take some photos of her in her leotard to send off to a catalogue company.

Of course it was never forced upon her.  It was always her choice.  Although she was definitely pretty enough to be a model.  She just had to trust him.  Trust this man she’d met in an online chat room…

DLS Review:
As stated at the beginning of this review, Matt Shaw’s controversial story ‘Eleven’ was originally written as a short story.  Here we have the comic book adaptation of the gut-churning tale that chilled its readers’ blood more effectively than a slush puppy enema.

The story itself is one hell of a tough read.  If you’ve read the above synopsis then you’ll have a fair idea of what sort of gut-pounding premise we have on offer here.  Ninety-nine percent of the world’s population would find this a tough read.  Me included.

It would be fair to say the plot’s pretty close to that of David Slade’s equally hard-to swallow film ‘Hard Candy’ (2005).  Of course you know what’s going on.  From the outset you know what this sick mother fucker is doing.  You’ve probably even guessed the twist-ending.  Nevertheless, seeing all the grooming, all the lustful dialogue, the despicable deviance played out right before your eyes, it’s so god damn difficult to not feel emotionally sickened by it all.

You’ll feel anger clawing its way up your throat.  Anger that burns with a white hot rage inside you the more you read on.  The more of the comic’s panels you push on through, the more hate floods your senses.  It’s a slow, creeping, chilling, horrific horror that’s so fucking true-to-life that it reaches down your gullet and tugs at your insides with icy-cold hands.

Helmut Racho’s artwork is spot on for this style of story.  The colouring is dark and dreary, giving the paedo’s flat the grotty atmosphere it needs.  The illustrations, although reasonably sketchy, work well with the gut-wrenching lusting behind the story.  Like a fantasy that’s reaching out into reality.  A grubby dream that’s coming true for this vile pervert.

The comic book adaptation has done the story proud.  It’s as creepy and chilling as the original short story.  The visual aspect offered by the format has added another hard-to-keep-going element to it all.  Like you’re watching it all take place from the corner of the room, but you’re unable to do anything about it.  Powerless to intervene.

Man does it fuck with you.  But I guess that’s the point.

The comic runs for a total of 14 pages.

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